If you have decided to travel by train to Novi Sad and from Novi Sad to other places you have to understand that the Serbian railways do not have high-speed trains on all routes and the average speed of the trains is 42 km / h. The interior is also not like European trains.
However, Serbia has purchased 27 new trains, and we hope that better rail transportation is in our future. For now Novi Sad- Belgrade route has a new train that at one point reaches speeds of up to 120 km/h. The train station is located next to the long-distance bus station and is well connected with all parts of the city, because this is a departure point of many urban and suburban buses, and at all times has extensive concentration of taxi vehicles.
In any case, the train ride is definitely an interesting and great experience.
Bulevar Jase Tomica 4
+381 21 / 443-200