Zmaj’s Children’s Games, are made up of wonderful collections of educational, literary and poetic creativity for children.
With fun games, entertainment, music educators and all around a good time, children learn some new skills. Festival boasts a tradition of over 50 years and is the largest festival for children both in Novi Sad, as well as in Serbia.
Proudly named after the famous poet for children – Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj (Dragon).
It is held every year in June and gathers numerous writers for children, illustrators, publishers, critics, readers of literature for children in Serbia and beyond.

Zmajevci su Zmajevi drugari,
oni znaju čudnovate stvari:
oni rade ono što se ne sme –
kad spavaju, oni pišu pesme.Zmajevci su dečiji drugari,
večna deca, pisci i sanjari,
sveznadari i čuvari snova
čarobnjaci za slike od slova.Dok je sunca, dok je kiše,
i dok oči zvezde broje:
još će pesma da se piše:
Zmajevci će da postoje.
(tekst preuzet sa: zmajevedecjeigre.org.rs)
More info at www.zmajevedecjeigre.org.rs